Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Pinched Nerves X 2 = Ouch

Last Thursday night I woke up in a terrible pain from the shoulder blade, down to my fingertips. I couldn't sleep, sit or drive comfortably, and this crap went on for 4 days, with my optimistic hopes of "Well, tomorrow it will get better". Guess what, it DIDN'T!! All the aspirin, ice, massages, tears, and alcohol couldn't alleviate any pain. Finally after losing feeling in my fingers I went to the doctor. 

The first visit was useless thanks to a near useless Doctor. However on my second visit...Dr. Beer (NOT KIDDING, that was his name ^_^), did ROM and sensory tests, concluded that it was 2 pinched nerves in my neck that was causing the pain; and he put me on completely different medications than the first. Right now on day 2 of these meds, I am feeling fan-freaking-tastic.

What does this have to do with Running with Big Boobs?

I should have listened to my body.

I didn't, and it cost 4 days of no sleep and constant pain.

Our bodies tell us exactly what we need (almost) all the time. Rest, food, water (or libations), if we need to get up and move or collapse on the couch in complete exhaustion, it should be considered a message for us...we just have to take a moment to listen.

What is your body telling you today?


  1. I'm glad you are feeling better!
    My body is telling me to stop pushing my leg. I've only been out of a boot for a week, but I think I can go back to normal. (Because I have no patience.) It's probably why I woke up in the middle of the night with a charley horse right in the same spot I tore a muscle 7 weeks ago, and why it's been aching all day.
    But I will be wearing heels to work again tomorrow, just you watch!
